LINDA DUVALL Visual and Media Artist








Related Activities





Anderson, Shannon "933-CALL" Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, Brandon, MB Sept 5-Oct. 25, 2002

Baird, Daniel "Lament - a Project by Linda Duvall" Red Head Gallery, February 2 - 26, 2005

Elder, Alan C. "Handmade Paper: The Medium/ The Structure". Burlington, Ontario: Burlington Cultural Centre. January 13-February 17, 1985.

Fabo, Andy; Moffat, Ellen and Baker, Cindy; Spasmotic: A Public Affair Saskatoon, SK: paved Art + New Media May
23 – June 1, 2002

Flores, Miguel. "Transient Prairie" Saskatoon, SK.: The Photographers Gallery. April 30 - May 23, 1998.

Gale, Peggy "Linda Duvall: tea gone cold" in Antipathies and Correspondences Mendel Art Gallery 2000

Gale, Peggy; Garneau, David; Gaztambide - Fernandez, Ruben; "Where were the Mothers?" Art Gallery of Mississauga, Nov 5 - Dec 24, 2009

Hlynsky, David and Salloum, Jayce. New Canadian Photography. Image Nation 26, Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Centre of Photography and Film, September 17 - October 24, 1982

Jansma, Linda "Sanctioned Deception", and Ring, Dan "A Day in the Li(f)e" in Linda Duvall Enough White Lies to Ice a Wedding Cake Oshawa: The Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery, Saskatoon: The Mendel Art Gallery, London: McIntosh Gallery 2005 -2006

Kavanagh, Mary "Tea Gone Cold" eyelevelgallery Publication Halifax NS Jan. 2000

Malham, Rodney. "Linda Duvall: Installation.” Lindsay, Ontario: The Lindsay Gallery. Jan. 5 - Feb. 3, 1990.

Moser, Gabrielle "Linda Duvall - The Toss" Gallery TPW, Toronto, ON March 1 - 31, 2012

Salem, J.B. and Nadeau, L. Exchange/Echange A. Quebec, Quebec: La Chambre Blanche, March 6-31, 1987.

Simon Kim "Tea and Gossip" Red Head Gallery, Toronto, ON Feb. 2003

Smith, Heather "…Your Mother Works on River Street…" Moose Jaw, SK: Moose Jaw Art Museum, Oct.8 - Nov. 15, 1998

Tamplin, Illi-Maria. Linda Duvall: Recent Works. Peterborough, Ontario: Art Gallery of Peterborough. September 8 -
Oct. 2, 1988.

turions, cheyanne "Living in 10 Easy Lessons" Gallery 44, Toronto, ON October 26 - Dec.1 2012

Werner, Agnes. Quandary: Recent Work By Linda Duvall. Hamilton, Ontario: Art Gallery of Hamilton. July 14 - August 28, 1988.

Wawzonek, Donna "Guessed House" AKA Gallery, Saskatoon September 11 - October 17, 2003.

Williams, Val. "Lost and Found in the Family: Tales of Effects" in Who's Looking at the Family? (London: Barbican Art Gallery, 1994), pp. 27, 32, 33.


Articles, Reviews

Aguilera, Leon. "La Lente Audaz de Duvall" Cronica (Guatemala City, Guatemala), July 25, 1997

Anderson, Jack. "Exhibit reasserts tradition" The Regina Leader Post. August 20, 1998

Arthur, Margaret. "The Season in Review: Toronto". Artmagazine, February/March 1981, p. 66.

Ball, Jonathon. "A study in Contrasts". Uptown (winnipeg) Jan 13, 2005, p 16.

Barker, Paul. "Shooting the Family". Evening Standard (London, England), May 26, 1994.

Burtch, Michael. "Handmade Paper: The Medium/The Structure". Ontario Craft, Fall 1985, pp. 26-27

Cheseborough, Steve. "Galeria Mesa art exhibit goes to the extreme". Arizona Republic. September 29, 1993

Cork, Richard. "Fresh Look at the Family Album" The Times (London, England), May 31, 1994.

Del Aguila, Virginia. "Las ventanas fotograficas de Linda Duvall" Siglo Veintiuno (Guatemama City, Guatemala), July 24, 1997.

Enns, Francis. "Eight Artists Converse". Peterborough Sun. February 17, 1989.

Fabo, Andy “Tea and Gossip” Fuse Vol. 26 Number 3 (2003) p. 45 - 46

Fleming, Martha. "Reviews: Linda Duvall". Vanguard. November 1980, p. 30.

"Fotografia Contemporanea en el Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno" Prensa Libre (Guatemala City, Guatemala), July 24, 1997.

Gazzola, Bart. "It's All True, Except Fot The Lies". Planet s (Saskatoon, SK) Sept 15 - 28, 2005, Vol 4 Issue 2

Ghaznavi, Corinna "Curatorial Road Trip" Blackflash, Vol 19.3 2002

Haight, Lana. "Friendship fueled by coffee." The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, SK) Monday September 10, 2007, p A4.

Kolawole, Helen. "Show not for the family" The Weekly Journal (London, England), July 7, 1994.

"Linda Duvall: Capturing Canada through immigrants' eyes". The Siglo News (Guatemala City). July 30, 1997

Light, Whitney. "Gossip at the Gallery" The Uniter (Winnipeg) Jan 13, 2005, p 15.

"Linda Duvall, fotografa canadiense, expone en el museo de Arte Moderno" El Grafico (Guatemala City). August 4, 1997

Malham, Rodney. "Linda Duvall: Installation." Lindsay, Ontario: The Lindsay Gallery. January 5 - February 3, 1990.

Mays, John Bentley. "Country Sketched in Sculpture". The Globe and Mail (Toronto). September 1980.

Moore, Suzanne. "Here's looking at you, mum and dad and kid". The Guardian (London, England). May 27, 1994.

Palmer, Andrew. "One big dysfunctional family" The Independent (London, England), June 15, 1994.

Priegert, Portia. "Saskatchewan Artist Linda Duvall Sits in a Hole" Galleries West May 8, 2017

Richards, Jane. "Neighbourhood Watch - Say your prayers as we go up your stairs" The Independent (London,England), May 27, 1994.

Robertson, Sheila. "Faculty Members put Theory into Practice" The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, SK), November 8, 1997

Robertson, Sheila. "Installation examines families and loss" The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, SK) May 22, 1999

Robertson, Sheila. "Rites of Spring" The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, Sk), April 19, 1997.

Robertson, Sheila. "Saskatchewan Artists Saying It with Videos" The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, SK.), September 13, 1997

Salem, J.B. and Nadeau, L. Exchange/Echange A. Quebec, Quebec: La Chambre Blanche, March 6-31, 1987.

Sandals, Leah. "Life lessons from the street" Toronto Star, November 1, 2012, E11, E12.

Stewart, Jeanette. "Difficult stories shared in songwritiing project" The Star Phoenix Monday June 7, 2010.

Sweting, Dennis. "In the Spotlight". The Post Vision - The Lindsay Post. January 30, 1990.

Tancock, Martha. "A Bleak and Anxious View of Humanity". Peterborough Examiner. July 23, 1988

Taylor, Kate. "Arts, Books". The Hamilton Spectator. July 23, 1988.

Todkill, Anne Marie. "Almost like a signature" CMAJ Feb.9, 1999

Thomas, Alison. "Environmental Artist Display Captures the Imagination" The Lindsay Post. January 17, 1990.

Williams, Val. "Back to Basic Families" Women's Art Magazine March 1994, P. 4-5.