LINDA DUVALL Visual and Media Artist









Related Activities





Text from Publicity  Poster


What is this Project All About?

Like other areas of the city, the core neighbourhoods are often understood based on public and media versions rather than through any direct experience with the people who live in these areas. In order to dispel some of the myths that surround our core neighbourhoods, local artist Linda Duvall will create opportunities for Saskatoon residents to bridge the divide between the downtown area and other parts of our city. In the process, new understandings of all areas of the city will develop.

Duvall  invites you to have coffee and conversation with people from other parts of Saskatoon, first at your place, and then at theirs. She is looking for volunteers from throughout Saskatoon who will join residents of Riversdale and area in their homes for tea and conversation. Later the same month the host will come to the visitor’s home, in their corner of the city.

Linda  Duvall and the supporting galleries AKA and Paved Arts will be responsible for making the necessary arrangements in terms of dates and addresses. Transportation will be provided by the galleries if required.

What is expected of you?

Visitors will be required to sign up for specific time periods since all visits are arranged in advance. AKA, Paved, and the artist will be responsible for these arrangements, including providing addresses only after arrangements have been completed.

In terms of the actual visits, we encourage participants to consider what information about their house, street, or area they might wish to share. What is it about your community that makes it special? Secret shopping gems? Local parks or other resources? How is the housing boom affecting you and your street?

Why do this?

This project is based on the premise that meeting face-to-face is an essential part of the process of understanding others. Major changes in cities begin with individuals who meet other community members within a friendly and non-hierarchical environment. Such activities have consequences not just for the people who participate directly. There is a ripple effect in terms of opening up understanding and channels of communication that includes relatives and neighbours.


How Can I Sign up, or get more Information?

Just call xxx xxxx

The visits take place from September 19th – 30th, but you must call ahead to sign up

Supported By AKA Gallery and PAVED Arts as part of the project Site and Subject